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- ©2019
HiLiner Fishing Products
Phone: (954) 783-1320
Fax: (904) 531-5099
Hi-Liner Heavy Super Duty Swivel
Super Duty Swivel
Hi-Liner Black Brass 3-Way Swivels
Brass 3-Way Swivels
Heavy Duty Stainless Steel Barrel Swivels
Stainless Barrel Swivels
Ball Bearing Swivels with Tournament Snap
Diamond Tournament Grade Ball Bearing Snap Swivel
DFP Ball Bearing Swivels
Diamond Fishing Products Double Action Rotary Ball Bearing Swivels are the finest ball bearing swivels manufactured today.
Hi-Liner Swivel Sleeves
Quickly Connect Leaders to Mainlines
Hi-Liner Leaded Swivels
Use leaded swivels when drifting baits
Rosco 3 Way Swivels
These ROSCO 3-Way Swivels are American made and used in multi-line and high test down rigging applications